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This is where the series takes a turn into Nowheresville. The seventh Tripping Corpse, published in 1985, is among the toughest of any TC. With it, Pettibon moved to photocopy process and tiny press runs. He made two micro-editions of TC7, this one being the "second state" of an estimated run of 50-60 (like most Pettibon publications 1986 onward). Numbered 43 by the artist. Likely your only chance.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR PETTIBON ENTHUSIASTS: The combination of unmistakable art and the godlike power of Black Flag ensured that Pettibon's work have been reproduced more than any other early punk fliers. Tough-to-distinguish repros dating back twenty years are not uncommon. Caveat emptor especially on eBay! Unless I'm 100% sure a flier is original (based on provenance and comparison with known originals), I won't add it to my collection, and I certainly won't sell it. This guarantee and scrutiny is part of what you're paying for... I'm sure there are lots of people willing to run off repros for you at a fraction of the cost.
Price: $995.00

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Ryan Richardson
P.O. Box 9175
Austin, Texas 78766


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